Um desafio em Julho de 2008, sobre uma pintura publicada aqui neste mural da minha C(l)ave - Partilha de uma muito querida (4), um acrílico sobre tela da minha Autora da Capa de Memória Alada -, resultou num conjunto de histórias que só me lembrei passados quase 12 anos de recolher para memória, e que são dignas de serem lidas por quem se quiser dar a esse trabalho.
Segue-se a parte III:Uma Estória (7)
Quem é mais linda do que eu?
Sou eu,
Responde o sapo,
Sou eu!
Como é isso possível,
Sapo meu?
Como podes ser tu,
Mais lindo do que eu,
Sapo meu?
Sabes menina linda,
Não me conheces como eu sou,
Quem sou e o que posso fazer!
Quem te disse a ti
Que não sou um príncipe encantado,
Uma fada disfarçada,
Ou a mais linda das estrelas?
Porque te vejo,
Sapo meu,
E diante da tua "feiura"
Eu sei que sou bem mais linda,
Sapo meu?
Então aprende,
Menina linda,
Que nem tudo o que reluz,
É ouro,
E que quem vê caras,
Não vê corações.
Ia dar-te todo o meu reino
Ia fazer-te princesa,
Mas como só pensas em ti,
Nem quiseste saber de mim,
Fica a olhar-te ao espelho,
Por toda a eternidade,
Até ficares velha e feia,
Que eu volto
Para donde vim…
The winter, in its anger, spent the days tormenting the country side; tearing at old stone cottages, watching them weep crumbling pebbles and it kept the nights company with violent storms that shook all of California...
It was a day like many others... During the night the deafening storms didn't let me sleep... They broke every attempts… Even the old technique of counting sheep...
I had emigrated to that state some months ago. Some people say that this act was just a way to get away from my responsibilities… other ones say that it was simply to call the attention of the ones who were around me… Details aside, the truth is that the homesickness was being gradually felt inside, and the need of hearing that unique friend's voice was already being felt, too.
At the end of stare the word on the steamy window for some minutes, the curiosity to know what was in the other side of the window, made me put my hand over my "good morning" making it slowly fade away...
A big part of my days were shared with two homeless I met when I arrived at San Francisco International Airport. Two splendid people, I must say… They helped me adapting to that new city, so different of mine, showing always being ready to help with whatever I needed.
At the dawn of the day, the quick steps of someone woke me up… Wet by the rain and with cold inside, I sat on the floor and I looked around to observe what was happening.
Ben looked at me,
"You're not talking, what's wrong?" his deep smooth voice glided through the air, I found it comforting, however I said nothing. Matthew leant forward,
"You can tell us, you know." I looked into his eyes, his voice was lighter, almost bird like and did not have the soothing qualities of Bens, nevertheless it made me feel just as welcome. I slowly began to tell them...
"Do you think we should go to the police" I asked Ben.
Ben looked troubled and rubbed his brow. His vision drifted to the floor for a moment, his face relaxed in absent minded thought. He turned back to me.
"No," he said, "the police ignore such reports, they think they are merely ghost stories."
“We can do it on our own… We can go there with you again if you feel better with that…” said Matthew agreeing with Ben.
“No! I don’t want... I just want to rest a bit... May I stay with you both again this night?” I answered stammering and expressing fear in my eyes.
"Good idea, sure you can stay", however Ben was looking restless, his thoughts on other things, "sure she can stay, right Ben?" Ben was forced back into reality,
"Yes, yes," he said hurriedly, "yes of course."
As combined, I passed the night with them and I fell asleep observing the stars in the sky and thinking if the girl I listened screaming, still had the opportunity to do such a good thing…
“Gone?” he asked seriously.
“Yes gone” I stammered. Matthew rubbed his ear in thought.
“I don’t know, I just looked and he was gone” Matthew stood up and walked outside quickly, he stood, the rain dusting him. He pointed to a patch of mud in the ground.
“Foot prints” he said seriously, “they lead to the mountain.” I followed them with my eyes, straining to see through the dark.
“We have to go find him” I said. Matthew looked at me and nodded, and began to walk towards the mountain. I followed, scared.
“Matthew, wait… This is the house where I was yesterday… where I listened to the screams… the shots…”
“But the foot prints are in that way… They can be the direction to Ben…” told Matthew.
“And if they aren’t?”
“I won’t ever abandonee Ben and he can be in need of my help, do you understand?”
Matthew turned to the house, walked through its gates and without answer to him, I followed his wish.
“Anybody home?” he shouted.
Nobody answered…
“Thank God! You’re safe Ben…” said happily Matthew hugging his friend.
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!” said quickly Ben.
Worried with the situation I asked Ben,
“What’s happening inside? Why are you looking through the lock?”
“See with your own eyes…” said Ben with a tune of surprise in his voice.
What did such a beautiful young girl do locked in a dark room, whispering strange things to a frog with a tune of sadness in her voice?
Uma Estória (9)
Cheguei a casa por volta da 1. Eu sabia que o que te tinha prometido era outra coisa, mas não me digas que acreditaste quando fiz o meu ar angelical e te disse:
"Vou só a casa da Joana ver o quadro novo que ela está a pintar, venho antes das 11."
Se tu me entendesses eu escusava de te mentir, mas não, tu insistes em tratar-me como se eu fosse uma miúda. Não vês que eu tenho quase 16 anos?! Há até quem me dê já 17 ou 18. Agora que estou de férias tenho que aproveitar, além disso queria vestir as calças novas e o top. Fiquei mesmo gira.
Tu estavas à minha espera, como eu previa.
"Isto é que são 11 horas? O que é que estiveste a fazer até esta hora?"
"Desculpa, mas distrai-me com a Joana e perdi a noção das horas." – desculpei-me. Acho que já não caís nesta, mas não custa tentar!
"Fartei-me de te ligar... tinhas o telemóvel desligado."
"Fiquei sem bateria..." – Lamentei-me.
Nem sei quanto durou o sermão sobre os perigos da noite, mas foi tanto, que deu para eu viajar no tempo. Encarnei uma princesa fashion, a ser entediada de morte. Tu não paravas:
"Crruac, crruac, crruac..."
E eu, a viver a estória da princesa aprisionada numa masmorra vazia, com o sapo repetitivo como guardião... como no quadro da Joana, que eu tinha visto no dia anterior, mas claro, eu sou muito mais gira!